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Check back to see when rosters for the 2024-25 season are filled:

17/18U Red Team: Roster Complete

17/18U White Team: In-progress, tryout to be scheduled

16U Team: Roster Complete

15U Team: Roster Complete

14U White Team: Roster Complete

14U Red Team: Roster Complete

13U Team: Roster Complete

12U Team: Roster Complete

Team Pages

Check your team page for practice and tournament schedules

Sports Engine

Check your Sports Engine account to accept an official offer to play for Waupaca Fire

Waupaca Fire Merchandise

Get your Waupaca Fire clothing and merchandise to prepare for the season!

Fall Tryouts

We want to give a huge thank you to those who registered for and attended our 2024-2025 season tryouts!

The coaches all agreed that the talent pool to come through the gym was outstanding. They certainly  have their work cut out in the next few days to fill rosters.

As a reminder, if you receive an offer to play for Waupaca Fire, you have three options:

  1.  Yes, I would like to play for Waupaca Fire. (Watch email for official offer letter to be sent; you must sign in to your Sports Engine account to accept)
  2.  Maybe, can I take some time to think about it? (Of course! You have 24 hours after the offer to decide)
  3.  No, thank you. (We hope to see you next year at tryouts!)

Please reach out to with any questions. 

Badger Region Memberships

If offered a spot on one of the Waupaca Fire teams, please transfer your tryout membership into a full membership.

The Joys of Club Volleyball

Contact Us Waupaca Fire VBC

Phone: 715-250-2229